Friday, May 6, 2011

And when I have kids...

And when I have kids…


As mother’s day approaches, it makes me think about all that you mean to me, and how you have shaped me in to the person I have become.

When I was young I never realized how much better you were than everyone else’s mom. Not that they didn’t have great moms, almost all of them did, but you were just…better.

Growing up, I can’t ever remember a day that you didn’t hug me first thing. Before I could get breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth, I always got a big hug. And when I have kids, I’m going to do the same thing.

Every night, no matter how busy you had been at work, or what activities you had to take us to, you always cooked us a meal. It was a necessity that you “make” something for us. Drive thru food just wasn’t good enough for your babies. And when I have kids, I’m going to do the same thing.

You had me in every activity I was able to get in. Piano, cheerleading, karate, gymnastics, church, choir, dance…you name it, I did it. And so did Will. You took us to everything and worked a full time job. And never once did you miss anything. If we had a recital, you were there. If we had a school party, you were there. No matter how far away, you were there. Even now as an adult, and living hours away, if I called you and needed you, no questions asked, you’d be in the car before the conversation was over. And when I have kids, I’m going to do the same thing.

You have always given unwavering support to your children. I remember a time when things were not so great and you stood beside me. You never allowed anyone to make me feel bad about myself. You had just the right words to keep my spirit high. And when I have kids, I’m going to do the same thing.

You are faithful and Godly.

You are strong and constant.

You are kind and loving.

You are happy and infectiously humorous.

You are all things good, and my best friend.

God must really think a lot of me to give me someone like you as a mama.


Happy Mother’s Day mama! I love you to the moon and back (an infinite amount of times),

Princess Liz


  1. Elizabeth BordeauxMay 6, 2011 at 12:13 PM

    Aww :) Love this!

  2. "Every night, no matter how busy you had been at work, or what activities you had to take us to, you always cooked us a meal. It was a necessity that you “make” something for us. Drive thru food just wasn’t good enough for your babies. And when I have kids, I’m going to do the same thing."

    THIS! Luckily I too had a mother who did this. Though I do it currently, now that I have Parker you can bet my little boy will have the same! Great blog Liz!
