Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Everybody's working for the weekend..."

Have you ever listened to a radio station at work that played lightly in the background, and to your knowledge, NO ONE actually listens to it for real?

Well we listen to this oldies rock station at "big girl" work, and to be honest, most people remember when the songs came out the first time around (except of course my gorgeous friend Ali, she's too young to remember them).

Well today the only song I actually "heard" was "Everybody's Working for the Weekend" and yall I swear if it came on once it came on 6 times. Now I don't know how DJ'in works. My degree was business, but I do totally understand where dude man is coming from. There are some weeks where I wake up and all the sudden it's Friday and I'm like "woah!!!" And needless to say, that is not this week. I have felt like I'm doing the remake of "Groundhog Day" except I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna end up with a love interest at the end, I mean, I could be wrong, but a lot would have to happen by tomorrow night! :)

But there's good news (gotta remember there's always a rainbow!), and that is that tomorrow is FRIDAY, I'm "going home to see my mother!" (See scarlet o'hara when things don't go her way), and I have a fabulously awesome job! Plus on top of all that, I have the most awesome sister EVA and I get to see her tomorrow too!!! Can't wait!

PS: Dear God, please make it fall. Amen.

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