Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Top 10 Countdown!!!

So it’s obvious that I really enjoy blogs. I am so ADD that I can hardly ever sit down and read an entire book, but I can spare 20 minutes to read the few blogs I follow faithfully.
After reading, I’ve noticed that a lot of them have a post they do weekly. Examples: things they are thankful for, things they believe, weekend wonders, etc etc. After much thought I have decided I will do a Friday edition of “Weekly Top 10 Countdown!” So here goes:

10. Eating spaghetti with anything but spaghetti noodles just isn’t the same. This week I ran out of spaghetti noodles and tried bow-tie (or hair-bow as my Eeyore friend calls them) and it just wasn’t the same. It was definitely fake spaghetti.

9. Playing the game “who-wins” really is as fun as it sounds. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s when you look at a couple and decide which one got the better end of the deal. At dinner one night this week I was totally playing and realized the “couple” I was scoring happened to the siblings! AWKWARD!

8. Dior really is the best, and I am not just saying this because I love Carrie Bradshaw (which I do), but because they make this spray foundation called AirFlash and it is the BESTEST thing ever. And no they aren’t paying me to say that, although I wish they were.

7. Not everything that comes in generic should be bought. My mom is a generic-genie if you may. If it comes in generic or store brand, she’s gonna buy it. I bought the “K” brand Triscuits this week because they were almost a whole $1 cheaper (yeah I know it’s just a dollar but…) but after eating 3 of them I knew for certain I was never gonna eat the rest. Sad day.

6. Some people are real pains in the “you know what”. Perfect example being this week we had to print out a check for an individual who worked .25 of an hour! How do even do that?? Come to work, clock in, run around the store 3 times, yell to your boss that you quit, and then clock out? I mean really. So the check was $1.57, which is less than the cost to print it, and then on top of all of that we had to mail the darn thing to him. Boy howdy was I mad.

5. Football makes my heart very happy.

4. I really enjoy choir. The choir at my church is very good. The majority of the people in it have sung their whole lives, and are involved in other choirs in “big girl” city. Of course, they are no PC choir, but ya know, everybody can’t be the best…

3. I miss college. I miss my friends there. I miss not having to get dressed until 3 when I went to work. On that note: I miss Tapestry. BIG TIME. I’m gonna have to go work on a Saturday just because…
PS: new Vera Bradley in!!!! Go see it!

2. Pumpkin donuts from Dunkin Donuts are divine, but of the devil. Although I enjoyed every last morsel of that thing, after looking up the caloric value of it, I was not a happy camper.

1. No more packing the car in the mornings. If someone would have had a video camera and was taping me this morning, they would sell millions of copies because it was flippin’ hilarious. For one, I’m wearing my bedroom shoes to my car b/c the shoes I wanted to wear today were in it and I didn’t want to take a pair down I didn’t need. Secondly, I’m wearing my glasses today and needless to say my depth preceptors lack BIG time in them. Thirdly, I’m carrying my purse, a Bloomingdales bag, my rolling duffle, and a laundry basket FULL of clothes to take home to wash (I don’t have a washer or dryer in my apt b/c I’m cheap). So as I get about 3 steps from the bottom, my slick bottom bedroom shoe turns on me and I fall, hard, straight to the ground sending clothes flying everything, my purse to turn over and everything dump out, and my glasses to fall off my face. At first I just laid there, thinking if I wanted to get up or not. Thank goodness it was still dark outside so it wasn’t in broad daylight, which made me feel much better. I did finally get all my garments picked up off the sidewalk and out of the bushes and got them back in the basket and into my car. My mom has told me 3985620 times to pack my car at night, but who listens to their mom right??? :)

YAY for the weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the post- I have 2 comments
    1. Sounds like you have some payroll needs that I need to take care of. I can save you time, and money, and provide you with more services than your current provider. You can reach me at 843.206.2209 and I can give you a free quote :)
    2. Me and Katie Whitten went out and got Dunkin Doughnts this weekend and had 2 of the pumpkin ones, TO -die -for!
    Love you!!
