Thursday, November 11, 2010

Life Lessons: things to learn from Forrest Gump

The other day while walking with my friend Ali, we were discussing our favorite lines from Forrest Gump. I remember being a little girl and sneakily watching that movie at my friend BreeAnna’s house. We drug the TV onto her sunroom balcony so her mom wouldn’t know we were watching it. It was rated R after all (gasp!!)! So after our walk I was on my way home and I started thinking about how much I wanted to watch that movie. So I did, and this is the things I learned while watching it as an adult.

Forrest knew…

1. The value of generosity. He had money yet he wasn’t trying to get rich. He cut people’s grass for free, built a church, and donated money to a hospital. Yet, he still had more money than he knew what to do with.
2. The value of loyalty. When Forrest met Bubba you had to laugh b/c he seemed sooo intrigued by his new friend. But later in the story he gives half his wealth to Bubba’s mama b/c he made a promise to him. And people around him were telling him that he was stupid to do it, but Forrest knew what he was doing.
3. The value of a “glass half full” attitude. Think about how many times “his Jenny” turned him down. He still fought for her b/c he loved her, and he knew she loved him. He kept a consistently positive attitude.
4. The value of knowing no prejudice. He looked at everyone exactly the same. Not everyone does that. Those are the kinds stupid people his mama talked about for sure.
5. The value of being a steadfast friend. He never gave up on Lt. Dan and the life change he believed could occur, the shrimpin bidness with Bubba, or that one day Jenny would be won over by his unwavering love for her.
6. The value of simplicity. He didn’t try to tell people what to do, although he did love to quote his mama. “Stupid is as stupid does” is such a simple phrase, yet it is SO true. Watch the news and see all the stupid things people are doing and you will totally agree.
Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Per Forrest Elvis may have died “because he sang too many songs.”

Most of the truths from Forrest revolve around his attitude of being happy with whatever situation he was in.Being in church my whole life I can save I’ve heard just about every verse in the Bible. Everyone knows Philippians 4:13, but the verses before it are sooo powerful and I came across them one in my devotion and they ring true to this analogy, and is very uplifting.

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:11-13

It’s Thankful Thursday (2 weeks early)! Do something nice for someone!

Much love!

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