Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things I appreciate about my mom...

Things I appreciate about my mom…

It’s not mother’s day or mom’s birthday, but you all know how I adore my mother so here goes.

1.       She never called my siblings and me by our real names.

We all have beautiful names but I was always something like “Lilla-bet” or Libby, and William was “Will-ham” or Bubby, and Alexa was/is “Lex-Roy”. Now I don’t know where she got those names, but she used/uses them. And there’s no question who she’s yelling for in a crowded store.

2.       Her spirituality isn’t forced.

She loves Jesus and it is evident. She taught us to never be “forceful” Christians. We should always be open to sharing our beliefs, and we should live them in order to be a positive example for Jesus.

3.       She cooks every day.

Maybe not now so much since there are only 3 people in the house and most nights they don’t get home until late, but when I was younger, there was dinner on the table every night. Some nights it may have just been Hamburger Helper and green beans, but still. You always knew you were going to get a good meal.

4.       She has clever sayings for her rules.

She had this rule when boys would come over to our house that “four feet on the floor” was necessary at all times. Love her for that now.

5.       She is serious about nap time.

She used to would put a sign on her door when we were little. This is exactly what it said, “If you are coming in this room to wake me up, there better be vomit, blood, or a fire” and boy did she mean it.

6.       She allowed us to be individuals but also gave us boundaries.

If I wanted to wear a pink striped skirt with purple leggings and a red top, she let me. If I then wanted to add the largest clip earrings known to man, she would help me get them on. If I lost one, she would cry with me (b/c after all, every pair was my favorite). She never let me wear the short skirts in middle school that everyone else wore and at the time, I was sooo mad at her. But again, she knew what she was talking about.

7.       Even when she’s sad, she handles herself with grace.

Someone dies in our family, you know my mother is sad but she’s not dramatic and falling on the ground or ridiculous stuff like that. She grieves, cries until she feels better, then wipes off and keeps going. She doesn’t meddle in sorrow. Her theory is “there’s too many things in life to be happy about. Why spend your life crying about things you can’t change?”
                Side note: this is also her theory about going to see sad movies or listening to sad songs.

8.       She never gave me a hard time about being in a sorority.

Some moms don’t get it. It’s expensive, can be nothing but a popularity contest, and sometimes is just silly. But my mom NEVER said a negative word about it. Anything we put on, she was there volunteering. She initiated me, was there for bid days, parties, fundraisers, you name it.

9.       She came to everything.

If we were in it, she was there. It didn’t matter if it was 3 hours away, she was there. Even now as an adult, if my choir is singing, she is there. She would drop everything right now if I called her and told I needed her here.

10.   Her love for her children and family is evident.

Have I ever disappointed my mom? Yes. Has she ever been angry at me? Yes. Have I ever been angry at her? Yes. Have I ever doubted my mom loved me? NEVER. I went through a stage in high school where I thought my mom might be the devil. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t let me do what I wanted or that she was mean, but I just didn’t want to be around her, and it broke her heart. She didn’t tell me this at the time, but she would cry almost daily b/c I didn’t want anything to do with her. Then one day my loathing of her just ended, and she’s now my best friend. And honestly that’s what a best friend is. It’s someone who loves you even when you are down-right evil to them. I am so blessed to have a mother who shows her love to her children and family on a daily basis.

I know I should end at 10, but oh well.

11.   She whistles. Every time I hear someone whistle I miss my mom. It’s like her thing. She doesn’t sing much, but she whistles everything.

Yay for I’m running out of T words Tuesday! Do something nice for someone!

Much love!

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