Thursday, November 25, 2010

put a smile on

I am an unusually happy person I think. I hardly ever look at the glass half empty; normally I see the good in people, and always like the find the good in every situation. Growing up my mom always used that quote about taking less face muscles to smile than to frown, and yall? I’m all about less effort on my part.

So you ask, why so happy? I can sum up why we all should be happy in 3 points:

1. God is in control. How can you not be at least a tinsy bit happy when you know that the guy who created the universe is still taking care of you? That’s a no brainer.
2. People are good. Yes I understand not everyone is all good, but I believe everyone has a good side, and if you’re a positive person, you will bring that out in them. (see “what the world needs now is love”…melt)
3. It isn’t all that bad. Are you alive? Yes. Maybe you don’t have all your family, but are you healthy (or vice versa)? Not everything is a major catastrophe. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

As thanksgiving approaching I can’t help but be happy. I sit and think about all the blessings I have, and it’s a total duh moment that I have nothing to be sad about. Yes, there is tragedy in the world. But have you ever noticed the people in other countries who are in such awful conditions still seem happy?

We live in a country where anything is possible. We have everything at our fingertips. We can be anything we want to be. When we get sick, there is a doctor who can help us, and we don’t have to drive 48 hours to get to them. Yes medicine is expensive, but at least we have it. Yes water/gas/electricity can get pocket heavy, but be thankful you don’t have to go down to a river to get water, and not even clean water at that.

So yes, I can’t help but be a happy person. The outlook you take on life determines how you feel, as well as how the people around you feel. I know you’ve been around someone who is mopey and depressing and just blah. And they bring you down and you totally don’t want to be around them. But get around that happy person, and you can’t get enough of them.

So if we all made just a small conscious effort to be happier, I think we would all see we really are the lucky ones.

It’s Tuesday of a short week! Get excited about vacay! Do something nice for someone!

Much Love!

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