Thursday, November 25, 2010

whoever said you can't go home

They were lying. Thomas Wolfe, you don’t know what you’re talking about I tell ya. Maybe you just didn’t have the right home to go back to. But luckily, I do.

This weekend I went home for a childhood friends wedding, and it was fabulous. I got to spend an entire weekend with the girls (now women) who shaped and molded who I am today. Each one of them holds a very special place in my life.

Brittany was my “first” friend that I actually remember. We went to 3 year old daycare together. Then we both went to Miss Mozel’s where we met the bride, Elizabeth. We have been friends since. I am so proud of both of them. Britt is going to be the bestest nurse ever, and Elizabeth is going to have a wonderful life with her new hubby!

Kayla went to church with me when I was tiny and then was my summer camp buddy for years. She is one of the one’s that “got out” and now is in cosmetology school and is kicking butt! I know, she did my hair this weekend!

Aimee went to church with me and then moved schools with me and everyone thought we were twins. I don’t think I could have made it through middle school without her. She helps children with speech problems everyday and does a fantastic job. She also has the most precious house ever, complete with husband and tiny tiny dog! ϑ

Jill was this girl in choir with me in middle school and she was my first real new friend at my new school. She was totally different from me and we had very little in common. But our differences is what made us awesome friends. I don’t think I’ve ever had a fight with her or even an argument. Yes we’ve disagreed, but hey, what friend agrees with you all the time? We pretty much lived together in high school. We ate every can of green beans we could get our hands on, and my mother considers her one of her children. She now is the best bank teller Wachovia has ever seen and is in school…how she does it, I don’t know.

Normally you don’t become friends with someone after high school that you didn’t hang out with in high school, but Delana that person. She was definitely my saving grace when I thought life I knew it just couldn’t go on (insert stupid teenage girl and you’ll get the picture). But she knew I just needed a beach trip and a shoulder to cry on, so there you have it. She is the person who’s gonna keep my teach clean for me! If I can just get her to move here! Haha!

God has so greatly blessed me with friends who loved me at my ugliest (see 6-10th grade) and still love me now. I never get tired of being around them, laughing with them, getting in trouble with them, dancing at weddings, and being the life of the party with them.

Girls I adore each of you! ϑ

Yay for Monday of a short week! Do something nice for someone!

Much love!

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