Saturday, October 23, 2010

30 Days of Truth. Day 1.

I am on a quest of self discovery, and will be doing a 30 day trip. It’s a list of things that have shaped you, and you tell about them. And yes, I stole them. I may not do one EVERY day, but they will still go in order, mainly because I’m type A.

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.

That’s a toughy for me. Not saying that there aren’t things about myself that I don’t like, because there are many things I don’t like. But overall, I’m a positive person. I try not to look at the bad, because honestly, I have a wonderful life.

But since I’m trying to abide by the rules, I had to pick something, so here it is.

I have a nervous habit. I bite my fingers. No, not my nails, but the cuticle around the nail. I know, gross right? But I do it. And in the winter, it’s worse. What’s so bad about this habit is that I don’t even realize I’m doing it. I’ll be just biting away at my fingers while working on something, and realize my hand hurts. Wonder why oh smart one?!

I’m not hungry (ok, that’s probably a lie b/c I’m always hungry), but that’s not why I do it.

I’m not anxious. All my bills are paid, my deadlines are met, I have no boyfriend to fight with, and me and my mom are getting along. So it can’t be anxiety.

I’m not bored. I am like WOAH busy all the time. I don’t just sit up my desk and twiddle my thumbs out of boredom. I have papers to file, people to email, new insurance packets to create, etc etc. So it’s not boredom.

It drives mi madre up the wall. She will like literally swat my hand. And I HATE that I do it just as much as she hates to see me do it. It makes my hands all ugly and red and just not cute.

So there you go. The thing I hate about myself.

But I totally have a good attitude about it.

Yay for Super Saturday! Do something nice for someone!

Much love!

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