Monday, October 4, 2010

Yay for Monday!!!!

So some weekends are just so busy that you need Monday to come along so you can relax. Mind you, I am NOT complaining about my weekend! I was absolutely wonderful and I loved it!!!

Friday afternoon I left worked and headed to PC to help with rush, not that I was really that much help, I probably was more of a hindrance that anything, but it was fun to catch up with all the pretty girls that mean so much to me! I figured I would get plenty of sleep that night too. NOT! I was up until 3 o’clock chatting with the girls. I didn’t mind it one bit until I had to wake up at 6 Saturday morning in order to get home for the Clemson game.

Sweet Lamb and her family allowed me to tag along for the game and we had a fabulous time. Although we lost, it was still a good game and the weather was warm and gorgeous! Lamb’s family is wonderful to be around b/c I swear they laugh a lot, and I love it. I enjoy being around happy people, and her family and friends are just those kind of people. We ate, and ate, and ate. I had so many of those pumpkin candy things that I thought I might explode, but they’re my favorite and they’re only around once a year so I have to enjoy them while the getting is good. Side note: the other thing I had WAY too many of this weekend was the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks (see WAY too expensive coffee place less than a mile from my house…bad placing). OMG they are my FAVORITE, but I’m definitely gonna have to cut back this week, maybe.

Sunday I woke up and could not utter a word (no snide remarks please) and felt like death. I’m sure yelling all day Saturday and staying up all night Friday did not help. So no singing happened for me, which was sad. I was really excited about my ensembles piece, but I am sure they did a remarkable job without me. I got to go to my first NFL game Sunday afternoon and couldn’t find a soul to go with me. I asked everybody and everyone had plans. Boo. But I did still go, went by myself and had a great time. The guy beside me and his son asked me about half way through the game which player I was dating (b/c duh, I was there by myself, so that had to be the reason right??? Haha). That definitely made my day! The game was really really close, and the Falcons won in the last 7 seconds! Yippeeeee!!!

So as you can see, I was a tad bit “over-stimulated” this weekend (that’s what A said at least), but I am sooo glad I had those fabulous opportunities. On top of all that, the Braves won last night (another close call) and the Padres lost so off to the play-offs we go! Yay Atlanta!!!!

Happy Monday loves!

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