Thursday, October 14, 2010

My name is Elizabeth, and I have a problem...

So compared to other problems, I guess mine’s not the worse, but it’s still bad.

I am a shopaholic. Yes, I understand that most of the time I bargain shop. I don’t buy expensive things, normally. I have a close relationship with Target. And Wal-mart, and thrift stores. And you know what, the stuff I buy? I don’t NEED it.

Do I need new boots? Please look in my closet and see the 5 pair I already have, and then answer that question. What about a new cardigan? I have every color except….well I can’t think of a color I don’t have. And at first I wasn’t sure what it was that made me do it, but after much soul searching, I’ve figured it out.

I’m bored. I shop because I have all this free time, and nothing to do with it. I live in this fabulous city and yet all I want to do is rush over to Phipps or Lenox and SHOP. I am a people person. I love being around people and having conversation, and when I am shopping, there are people everywhere and conversations about Kate Spade purses and suede wedges just waiting to happen.

Another reason, it is a common link between people. When you see someone wearing Cole Haan shoes, or who has the same flats as you do, you feel some sort of bond with them. Even though you may not know anything else about them, you know they have good taste in shoes, and that you probably would get along great with them. My bff and I send links to each other all the time about Lilly, or Kate, or Tory, and it bonds us. Of course, I know that it is an expensive bond, but it is a bond.

When I sit back and think about my life, I am SO blessed, not even including family and friends. I have a cute apartment, a new car, more clothes than I could ever wear, and enough shoes to sole an army. Yet, I still want more. Moreover, what I buy? I DO NOT NEED!!!!

What I do need: electricity, gas for my car, water, AC, etc. Necessities for living are what I need (now do not get me wrong, I pay those bills so that I have those things). I also need to learn to live more frugally, and to save up for nice things that I want and quit being so spontaneous on my spending. For the most part, I bet if I would wait 2 months once I found something I wanted, I wouldn’t want it at the end of the time period. Flashing NEON sign Liz…duh.

So what am I saving for? Well I want my own house eventually. I want to know that if something disastrous (heaven forbid) happen tomorrow that I would not have to freak out because I gotz monies in the bank!

So to my dear, sweet, getting me in trouble friends Macy’s, Bloomies, NY&C, and Target: it has been fun, but our we are on a break.

I deem today Triumphant Thursday! Do something nice for someone!

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. ok YOU FAILED. you wrote this on thursday and went to market on friday..
