Friday, October 1, 2010

Weekly Top 10 Countdown!

This week I put great thought into what this week’s “theme” would be for my countdown, and after much thought, I chose pet-peeves, mainly because everyone has them, and they’re probably very similar for all of us!

10.) People who walk slow like they have nowhere to be EVER!!! While at a Braves game on Tuesday we were walking to our seats, running just a few minutes late, and you would have thought the people in front of us were having to trudge through muddddddd. If I were taller and a guy, I would have pushed them, just to be a bully.

9.) People who think they know everything! Now I know that many times I am a know-it-all, but I can let things go. I can accept that other people have opinions and they are entitled to them. Some people didn’t get that “manners memo”.

8.) People who talk during TV shows. UGH! If the TV show is on, and people appear to be watching it, keep your mouth shut, or go in the other room. Please.

7.) Miley Cyrus’s song “The Climb”. Every time I hear it, I want to scream. It had its time, now let it go.

6.) The sound my ceiling fan in my apt makes. It’s the wobbly “tappy tappy tappy” sound, and it is about to send me over the edge.

5.) People who drive in the left lane, but drive “like” they’re in the right lane. Speed up, or move over. Simple.

4.) Drive thru cashiers who act like they hate their job. I understand everyone is entitled to have a bad day, but if you hate your job so much, quit. I’m sure there is someone who would love to have it. The same applies when answering a work face, don’t sound pissed at the world. BAD!!!!

3.) Parents who think their child has never done a thing wrong. For real, unless Jesus came back in the form of your child, I promise, he’s not perfect.

2.) When you are looking at shoes online, and you take the time to sort them by size (b/c duh, most shoes don’t come in a 5.5 so I might as well weed of the ones that are never gonna happen), and then when you click on the shoe you like, it says they’re out of that size!!! If you don’t have it, LEAVE IT OUT OF THE SORT!!!

1.) Parents would be SOOOO mad if their child lied about their age to buy cigarettes or alcohol, but allow their child WHO IS UNDER 13 TO LIE ABOUT THEIR AGE to have a Facebook (where there are millions of people who can see everything about them). Such a double standard, and it’s super annoying b/c the only reason they’re really on there is to “Like” everything and talk about their “relationships”. Parents, please don’t let your child do this. Alexa wants one, but I wouldn’t approve of her breaking other laws, so until she’s legal age, no facebook (per me).

Yay for the weekend and Clemson Tiger FOOTBALL and FABULOUS fall weather!

Much love!

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