Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Have no fear!!!!

When asked what I was going to write about, I didn't really have anything in mind. I tend to only write when I have something to say, but then it came to me. With Halloween right around the corner, and all the "scary" thing that come along with it, I figured I'd talk about my fears. Now understand, I'm not consciously afraid of someone jumping out from behind every wall, although I would probably be frightened by this. I am talking about real fears. So if you're reading this and you think "i'm totally afraid of that too!", TAKE COMFORT! Because I am too! These are in no particular order, just out there for all.

1. Drowning. I can swim, and well. My dad is a human fish and I think genetically I inherited that trait. I can't hold my breath very long on land, but in the water my lungs take on a new strength. All that aside, I still fear drowning.

2. Silence. I am a loud person. Ask anyone that knows me. In college, I would have the TV, fan, computer, everything that made noise, it was going, and only when all that was happening could I study.

3. Kids. Not all kids, just some. And yall know the ones I'm talking about. There are some kids who are just evil. And the scream a lot, and run around a lot, and rip heads off of Barbie dolls...be afraid, be very afraid.

4. Losing my hair. When I'm washing my hair, and run my hands through and pull out a clump, I have a mini heart attack and think my hair is falling out. I know it's not b/c there is nothing causing it to, but nonetheless, I freak.

5. Missing out on important life moments with my sister. She is in the stage where her life is changing, and fast, and I'm missing a lot of it. When she gets her first "real" boyfriend, will she talk to me about it? I'm afraid that I'll miss out on all those things b/c I don't live with her.

6. Being alone. Not alone like in my apartment alone (although sometimes that can be scary), but I'm talking about being alone alone. I know God has someone out there for me, but when you're surrounded by ppl who already have that person, sometimes that fear is very overpowering!

7. SPIDERS. Ummm nuf said. Them jokers are for the strong and mighty. And while we're on things of that nature, add cockroaches to the list. Bleak.

8. Being broke. I know I am not the only person that frets over $. Everyone has worried about it at least once in their life. God has blessed me, and provides every need I have, and most of my wants, but I still worry sometimes about money, and whether I'll have enough. Silly, I know.

9. Mold. Although a bottle of bleach will get rid of this stuff lickity split, it still gives me the heebee jeebees. I mean come on! It's a living, growing thing! And it spreads like wild fire! YUCK!!!!

10. That I don't say "I love you" enough to the people that I feel that way about! I say it when I get off the phone, but sometimes, the people in our life just need to know we love them, b/c one day they may not be there, and we'll wish we said it more often!!!

Here's a little pic to get you in the HalloSpirit!

Yay for Terrific Tuesday! Do something nice for someone!

Much Love!

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